The polls are open for Early Voting through May 2nd! Head over to the Library and Vote TODAY! You know what you should do...just go DO IT! The polls are open for Early Voting. Don't wait! Head over to the Duncanville Library and vote TODAY!
What are some of the issues in District 3? What have we been working to improve the last 2 years? Click below to join me on a tour of our District and learn more about what YOU can do to help...
Video Series: AROUND DISTRICT 3 For the last two years, citizens have turned out in overwhelming numbers in support of designating the Ladd Property a nature preserve. In December of 2022, the Duncanville City Council stated that it's intent was to pursue an ordinance designating the property a preserve. By definition, a preserve is an area of land designated to PROTECT wildlife or plant habitat and other natural features. So, are we just calling it a preserve but planning some devastating development, or is our intent to commit to a protected greenspace...? Watch the video to learn more. First of all, I speak only for myself and not for any other member of the Duncanville City Council, nor for the Council collectively, nor on behalf of the city of Duncanville.
The political tug-of-wars that hinder our city and so many others often seem like they will never end. I maintain that it is not a hopeless situation, but it is a challenge that, at some point or another, we have to face head on if we are going to move forward. Although I believe there are a small handful of individuals who are exploiting our city's current situation and inciting outrage against the Council out of spite as well as for political gain, I also believe there are those who sincerely want to know why the votes went the way they did. I heard that desire voiced during citizen comments at last night's meeting, and I have heard it in private conversations. There are many from my own District who, not having received any inflammatory emails or seen any social media posts, simply want to understand what happened. As an advocate for public transparency, I would be wondering why as well, and maybe drawing some of the same conclusions in the absence of information. My growing concern is not for those who are deliberately inciting outrage, but for those who sincerely desire and deserve to know why. This is in addition to my concern for the unknown legal consequences of discussing documents marked 'confidential' as well as publicly disclosing any matters discussed in closed session. For those who sincerely desire truth and transparency, please know that I am exploring all legally prudent options to at least share publicly the reasons for my own vote and why I consented to the process. I maintain my belief that my vote was cast in the best interests of my District as well as the entire city of Duncanville, that is, the PEOPLE who live here. But I also believe that if the people we represent are dissatisfied with the level of transparency or the process itself, then we have a responsibility as public servants to respond accordingly. I also believe, given the public claims made against the city, that there needs to be a third-party investigation of those claims to show if they are valid or not. Jeremy How do we move forward, TOGETHER? That is the question. Everyone wants to see our city thrive and realize its true potential, but exactly how do we get there with so many views and opinions? We must be willing to communicate with one another, we must be willing to compromise when necessary, and we must love one another and treat one another with respect and with compassion. Duncanville has struggled in recent years to move forward because we have been a divided city. Be a part of progress and positive change through communication, compromise, and charity. Some people are convinced that their vote doesn't matter. About two years ago I was elected to serve on the Duncanville City Council and, as a policy maker and citizen advocate, have been in a position to initiate and be a part of tangible changes that effect the everyday life of people who live here. The policy making process begins at the polls. Be a part of that process. Get to know the candidates (beyond what a postcard in the mail reveals), understand their position on issues that are important to you, evaluate their character, and go out and VOTE for the candidates who will best serve and represent you and your family. The deadline to register to vote is April 6th. Early voting is from April 24th - May 2nd. Election Day is May 6th. Watch the video to hear more of my thoughts all local elections. Time is money. And the more time it takes us to complete the 2018 Bond Projects, the more its going to cost us. Some of these projects have not even entered the planning and design phase. I believe progress on these projects ought to be a priority to the city. Click here for more background information about the bond projects. |